Good Comms

Hi, I’m Chared, inclusive communication and leadership consultant.

I help create positive employee experiences & sustainable change.

My approach is grounded on 20+ years of journalism & communication practice, backed by my research on inclusive storytelling & workplace belonging. I am a certified change coach and LEGO® Serious Play® faciliator.

"Communication is a force for good when it creates understanding, builds bridges & breaks barriers."

Here's how I help

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Inclusive communication management

Inclusive communication management is a holistic approach that transforms how your organization speaks, listens, and connects—both within the walls of your workplace and beyond. It elevates organizational communication by ensuring it is accessible, respectful, and resonates with diverse audiences.

This includes auditing existing materials, developing comprehensive inclusive guidelines, and training teams to effectively engage with inclusivity in mind. It focuses on enhancing accessibility, using culturally competent content, and employing inclusive language to foster a true sense of belonging among stakeholders.

Ideal for any organization committed to social justice, this not only boosts engagement and innovation but also aligns with regulatory compliance and improves overall reputation.

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Inclusive employee experience

Inclusive employee experience creates a workplace environment where diversity is not only respected but celebrated.

This ensures that every employee’s journey — from attraction to onboarding, development and even exit — is infused with the four pillars of belonging I identified in my research.

The four pillars of workplace belonging are Authenticity, Care, Empowerment and Support. Together, they spell ACES and helps you ace your talent strategy!

With my guidance, we can cultivate an environment where every employee feels that they can be their true selves at work, are valued as human beings, are empowered to do their best work and have a supportive team to rely on when needed.

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Inclusive leadership skills building

In my research on workplace belonging, I discovered that an employee’s sense of belonging is intricately tied to their relationship with their manager (Verschuur-Ballo, 2021).

Over the years, I have developed the BELONG framework to assist people managers in fostering a sense of belonging within their teams. The acronym BELONG stands for Brave space, Emotional agility, Listening, ‘Our’ (inclusive language), Noticing, and Good at repair.

To equip leaders with the necessary skills to become inclusive, I offer personalized coaching and training sessions centered around this framework.

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Inclusive workshops and training sessions

As a certified LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) facilitator, I hold inclusive training and workshops that incorporate this methodology. LSP is a facilitative methodology designed to enhance innovation and business performance by encouraging active participation, unlocking knowledge and challenging conventional thinking.

This method is particularly effective in inclusive training because it encourages equal participation, supports diversity of thought, and fosters an understanding of different perspectives within a safe and creative environment. In a workshop running on LSP methodology, everyone participates, has a voice and we make time for all those voices to be heard. This exemplifies inclusion in action.

Recent posts

"A word after a word after a word is power"

- Margaret Atwood

I write about the work I do and topics I care about: belonging at work, constructive narratives, workplace cultures, diversity and inclusion, and communication in general.

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Communicating BDEI to employees: challenges and solutions

Belonging, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (BDEI) initiatives are crucial for creating harmonious and productive workplaces. However, effectively communicating these projects to employees can be challenging. This blog post explores the main challenges and offers practical solutions, drawing from my experience

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