Good Comms | Communication for good

Travel and cultures

Talking the talk and why it is important to learn a few foreign phrases while traveling

My colleague wanted to buy a box of chocolates from a Polish store but couldn’t get the vendor’s attention. If her voice was too soft or her approach not good enough for the vendor to recognise, I don’t remember anymore. But when I said “Dzien dobry!” coupled with my biggest smile, the vendor quipped “Dzien dobry!” back in her most friendly tone and welcoming smile. Our business in the store was done in a matter of minutes. I closed the conversation with “Dziekuje”.

Talking the talk and why it is important to learn a few foreign phrases while traveling Read More »

Inclusive communication, Travel and cultures

Barcelona, where the party never ends

I have heard so much about Barcelona before I saw it for real. It is Lonely Planet’s top pick for Europe and one of Mr. V’s favorite cities. I heard about things that one would normally expect of Spain — cuisine with paella in the starring role, late dinner, colorful handicrafts. I also heard about (and saw) the fascinating works and world of Antoni Gaudi (although pictures are never as intoxicating as the real work itself!).  And the non-stop partying  in La Rambla. But what you hear does not prepare you as much as real life itself. That is why traveling is a must when you hear so many beautiful things about a place. Indeed, Barcelona is as alive as one may think. Day and night, it breathes like a real person in his/her youth. As green as the first bud of spring, if I may say so poetically.

Barcelona, where the party never ends Read More »

Travel and cultures

Passion, the virtue of the brave

I admire people who follow their passion. And you know one when you see one. A person who does what he or she is passionate about, glows. People who live their passion come alive in many different indescribable ways. They do what they are passionate about like there’s no tomorrow, full of energy, with bright eyes, happy, big smiles that makes them almost look like big newspaper caricatures to me. Ok, that’s quite an exaggeration but you know what I mean. They are alive. It is a joy to see people who know what their one passion is and live it.

Passion, the virtue of the brave Read More »

Travel and cultures

The world in Geneva

Geneva smacks you right in the face with multiculturalism as soon as you arrive. You’d think you’re in Rotterdam, except that they speak French here (among other languages). The most popular city of Switzerland, often mistaken for its capital city, teems with different colors, languages and cuisines. It is a good example of the phrase “small but terrible” – small in size but big in causes. The United Nations is here, the International Red Cross, World Health Organization and International Labor Organization, to name but a few. This global city is also one of the biggest financial hubs in the world, the diplomacy capital, a center of peace. That’s quite a lot to represent, don’t you think?

The world in Geneva Read More »

Travel and cultures

Oslo, like a cabin in the woods

With the World Ski Championships starting today (23 February) in Oslo, Norway, the time to show you this place, which we got the chance to see last month, is here and now. I included some pictures and a weekend itinerary with this article hoping to interest you in this wonderful, wonderful place. Cold weather, yes. Expensive, yes. But if you must see a part of Scandinavia, let it be Norway, where the adventure awaits at the airport that makes you feel like you’re entering a cabin in the woods.

Oslo, like a cabin in the woods Read More »

Travel and cultures
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