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Belonging as strategy to attract and retain talent
Every workplace seems to be understaffed at the moment. There's real war for talent out there. So what can you do to keep your hard-earned employees? This workshop series will tackle the importance of belonging in the workplace, focusing on the hybrid workplace, and how you can harness it as your organisation's superpower.
What you will learn
During this workshop, you will learn about:
- the importance of belonging at work,
- the belonging needs specific for new hires,
- strategies that foster a sense of belonging,
- the new (ACES) model for virtual workplace belonging and how it works, and
- the BELONG framework for people managers.
The resources that you will get is drawn out of a massive amount of literature on belonging and the results of my own research on belonging in the virtual workplace. It is thus a combination of theory and practice and you are expected to actively participate during the workshop.
You should attend if you -
- are a people manager,
- experience low productivity and high attrition,
- onboard employees,
- work in employee engagement,
- advise leaders on how to engage and keep employees.
Culture (change) workshop for (IC) teams
What is the role of communication in culture? This training is developed to answer this question and help you navigate your current culture and determine the changes you need to make if you are in the brink of change. It will help you understand how you can contribute to culture (change) as internal communication team. It is thus useful to attend it as a team.
What you will learn
In this highly-interactive workshop, you will learn about:
- how to determine your own work culture,
- communication’s role in culture,
- values and behaviors in culture,
- work culture best practice, and
- how your communication strategy can reflect your culture.
In case of culture change
This workshop can also be developed with starting a culture change in mind. In this case, we will focus on:
- you current values and behaviors,
- values and behaviors as they should change in the future,
- the elements of a change program, and
- your role as communicator in this change.
Endless possibilities
After this workshop, some of the teams I worked with came up with a culture book or an interactive workshop that can be shared with virtual teams. The possibilities are endless.
What they say