Good Comms

52 weeks of DEIB

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From words to worldview: navigating the Dutch culture through language

When I first moved to the Netherlands from the Philippines 17 years ago, I quickly learned that language is much more than a tool for communication—it’s a gateway to a new way of life. Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, “The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” This quote became my guide as I navigated through the complex yet fascinating process of cultural immersion in a country so different from my own.

From words to worldview: navigating the Dutch culture through language Read More »

Inclusive communication
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Beyond othering: reimagining our relationship with nature

As we remember Int’l Biodiversity Day next week, I’m reflecting on the othering of nature. This concept refers to the human tendency to view nature as separate from, and subordinate to, humanity, leading to environmental degradation and a loss of biodiversity.

Beyond othering: reimagining our relationship with nature Read More »

Inclusive communication, Social justice communication
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Between worlds: searching for belonging in the spaces between

Seventeen years ago, I embarked on a journey that not only changed my location but also transformed my understanding of home and belonging. Moving from the Philippines to the Netherlands, I found myself constantly navigating the space between my birth country and my new home, a space filled with both challenges and discoveries.

Between worlds: searching for belonging in the spaces between Read More »

Inclusive communication
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Inclusion works for mental well-being

May, recognized globally as Mental Health Awareness Month, presents an invaluable opportunity for leaders and communicators to reflect on the critical role of inclusive communication in promoting mental well-being within organizations. Inclusive communication goes beyond mere words; it’s about creating a culture that values openness, respect, and understanding, especially pertinent when discussing mental health.

Inclusion works for mental well-being Read More »

Inclusive communication
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Inclusive prompts to help you get started

Communication has the power to shape a workplace culture where everyone feels seen, heard and valued. Inclusive communication is about actively creating opportunities for all voices to be heard and appreciated. But how do you get started? Some people managers ask me this question. In this blogpost, I will explore a variety of inclusive communication prompts you can use in various workplace situations.

Inclusive prompts to help you get started Read More »

Employee communication, Inclusive communication
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How communication professionals can create inclusive digital spaces

While the internet has revolutionized access to information, making knowledge more available than ever before, it also presents significant barriers for people with disabilities. This digital divide can exclude individuals from fully participating in essential aspects of society. As communication professionals, it’s our duty to recognize these challenges and actively work towards creating digital environments that are truly accessible to everyone. This blog post will delve into how we can leverage our expertise to dismantle these barriers, ensuring that digital spaces are inclusive and accommodating for all users.

How communication professionals can create inclusive digital spaces Read More »

Inclusive communication
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Deepening my understanding of social justice

I love to learn. I make sure to follow training/workshops/courses (and read books) that broaden and widen my understanding of my craft and the topics I work in regularly.????

This time around, I’m embarking on a journey to deepen my understanding of social justice through a course at Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), University of Cambridge.

Deepening my understanding of social justice Read More »

Inclusive communication
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