Good Comms | Communication for good

inclusive storytelling


How inclusive storytelling can shape workplace cultures

Storytelling is a cornerstone of effective internal communication. It shapes organizational culture, conveys values, and fosters a sense of belonging among employees. However, if not approached inclusively, storytelling can perpetuate exclusion and reinforce stereotypes. Internal communication professionals play a crucial role in shaping these narratives to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

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Employee communication, Inclusive communication
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The power of inclusive storytelling in shaping a better future

Storytelling is a fundamental human experience. It has the power to educate, entertain, and inspire. Yet, stories can also reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate exclusion. For media and communication professionals, understanding the impact of storytelling is crucial. By embracing inclusive storytelling, we can shape a better future, one that acknowledges and celebrates diversity in all its forms.

The power of inclusive storytelling in shaping a better future Read More »

Inclusive communication
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