Good Comms


Oslo, like a cabin in the woods

With the World Ski Championships starting today (23 February) in Oslo, Norway, the time to show you this place, which we got the chance to see last month, is here and now. I included some pictures and a weekend itinerary with this article hoping to interest you in this wonderful, wonderful place. Cold weather, yes. Expensive, yes. But if you must see a part of Scandinavia, let it be Norway, where the adventure awaits at the airport that makes you feel like you’re entering a cabin in the woods.

Oslo, like a cabin in the woods Read More »

Travel and cultures

Of wats, friendly smiles and elephants

When we go traveling and see stuff like the Wats of Thailand, I can´t help but admire the people who lived before us. Just look at the pyramids of Egypt and the rice terraces of the Philippines! All built with the same philosophy as the Wats, products of manual labor and old-age patience. Somehow, I can´t help but believe that there is something noble in all of that. Somehow, I can’t help but think that maybe, there is a tiny microscopic possibility that we indeed hailed from giants.

Of wats, friendly smiles and elephants Read More »

Travel and cultures

Cagayan Valley, rediscovered

The Cagayan that I saw last year was far from the one I knew during the summers of my youth. It was fresh and refreshing. It was rich in virgin forests. It is full of promise. Most roads are already paved. New tourism destinations were even discovered like the white sand beaches that will rival those of Pagudpud. Historical and beautiful churches still stand. Which makes me wonder why Cagayan has always been difficult to sell as a primary tourism destination.

Cagayan Valley, rediscovered Read More »

Travel and cultures
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