Good Comms | Communication for good

internal communication

Photo of woman in the shadow of what looks like an algorithm.

Redefining productivity in the age of AI: thinking, connecting and being human

AI is a powerful tool. It can take over repetitive tasks, provide insights at scale, and free up time. But here’s the paradox: instead of embracing the opportunity AI presents, we often respond by filling every possible minute with more work—more content, more emails, more meetings. We assume that if we are not creating something tangible, we are not productive. This is a missed opportunity. The real value of AI is not in replacing us but could be in giving us back time—time we could use for deep thinking, reflection, and the kind of human interactions that can’t be automated.

Redefining productivity in the age of AI: thinking, connecting and being human Read More »

Employee communication, Updates

Internal communication and belonging

This crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic provided internal communication the space to play a strategic role. That insight preceded the pandemic. Dewhurst and Fitzpatrick (2019) refer to internal communication as a behaviour driver and asset grower of an organisation, along with being a content producer and supporter/facilitator.

Internal communication and belonging Read More »

Belonging at work, Employee communication
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Influential internal communication

Research on internal communication and employee identification suggests that “both symmetrical internal communication and leaders’ use of motivating language, including meaning-making, empathetic, and direction-giving languages, induced employees’ perception of a positive emotional culture of joy, companionate love, pride, and gratitude, which in turn enhanced employees’ organisational identification”.

Influential internal communication Read More »

Belonging at work, Employee communication
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What is internal communication?

Internal communication goes by many names: employee communication or communications (Athanassiades 1973; Grunig and Hunt 1984; Dewhurst and Fitzpatrick 2019), employee relations (Purcell 1987), internal relations (Men and Bowen 2016), internal communication (Verčič et al. 2012), internal public relations (Kennan and Hazleton 2006), internal corporate communication (Welch and Jackson 2007) and internal marketing (Gummesson 1987; Piercy and Morgan 1991).

What is internal communication? Read More »

Belonging at work, Employee communication
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