Good Comms

Inclusive communication

Posts covering BDEI communication, inclusive storytelling and constructive narratives

Image of current US Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov Tim Walz sitting for an interview with CNN.

What a Harris win will mean for diversity, equity and inclusion

Kamala Harris’ presidential bid is more than a milestone in her personal journey; it’s a bold statement about the future of diversity, equity, and inclusion in America and beyond. As the first Black and South Asian woman to seek the presidency, Harris represents a seismic shift in who gets to lead. Her victory would not only break new ground in representation but also bring an intersectional approach to governance, addressing systemic inequalities and advancing social justice in many ways.

What a Harris win will mean for diversity, equity and inclusion Read More »

Inclusive communication, Inclusive leadership, Social justice communication

Advancing social justice through communication: strategies for inclusion and equity

Effective communication is crucial for advancing social justice across its six dimensions: distribution, recognition, participation, capabilities, time, and space (CISL, 2023). This latest blog post explores actionable strategies to ensure that every voice is heard and empowered. Dive into how diverse channels, inclusive dialogue, and respectful storytelling can promote a more equitable society.

Advancing social justice through communication: strategies for inclusion and equity Read More »

Inclusive communication, Inclusive leadership, Social justice communication

Promoting diversity and inclusion through OOOs

With summer holidays approaching in Europe, a flurry of out-of-office (OOO) messages will soon be popping into inboxes everywhere. But as we prepare to step away from our desks, there’s an opportunity to do more than just inform others of our absence. This summer, why not use your OOO message to promote something meaningful—like the values of diversity and inclusion?

Promoting diversity and inclusion through OOOs Read More »

Employee communication, Inclusive communication, Inclusive leadership

BDEI programming by design

Can design thinking revolutionize BDEI programming? I’ve been having these thoughts lately. By placing a strong emphasis on empathy and iterative processes, design thinking delves deeply into human needs which can leverage experiences of diverse workforces. This can ensure that BDEI initiatives are both innovative and aligned with real employee challenges. Let’s explore more in this blogpost.

BDEI programming by design Read More »

Inclusive communication

Belonging starts within

Belonging is often perceived as a gift bestowed upon us by external circumstances—a welcoming community, inclusive workplace, or supportive family. However, true belonging begins from within. It is an internal compass that guides us to recognize our value, align with our authentic selves, and find our place in the world. This was the topic of a recent webinar I gave to the Shell Women’s Alumni Network. In this blog post, I write about belonging as an individual strength and walk you through a self-check list that you or someone you know may use!

Belonging starts within Read More »

Belonging at work, Inclusive communication

How inclusive storytelling can shape workplace cultures

Storytelling is a cornerstone of effective internal communication. It shapes organizational culture, conveys values, and fosters a sense of belonging among employees. However, if not approached inclusively, storytelling can perpetuate exclusion and reinforce stereotypes. Internal communication professionals play a crucial role in shaping these narratives to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

How inclusive storytelling can shape workplace cultures Read More »

Employee communication, Inclusive communication
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The power of inclusive storytelling in shaping a better future

Storytelling is a fundamental human experience. It has the power to educate, entertain, and inspire. Yet, stories can also reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate exclusion. For media and communication professionals, understanding the impact of storytelling is crucial. By embracing inclusive storytelling, we can shape a better future, one that acknowledges and celebrates diversity in all its forms.

The power of inclusive storytelling in shaping a better future Read More »

Inclusive communication
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The dark side of belonging

I’ve often written about the advantages of a sense of belonging. One of the questions I received about this topic is: “Does it also have a dark side?” Belonging is an integral aspect of human existence, providing us with a sense of identity and support. Yet, there’s a complexity to group dynamics that often goes unaddressed. This post aims to explore the challenges that come with group membership, including the phenomenon of misinformation.

The dark side of belonging Read More »

Belonging at work, Inclusive communication
An image of books for children that promote belonging, diversity, equity and inclusion

Raising inclusionists, one book at a time

An inclusionist is one who respects and appreciates individuals regardless of their background, abilities, or beliefs. Cultivating such an attitude in children can pave the way for a more harmonious and equitable society.

As parents, educators, and mentors, we hold the responsibility to guide the next generation towards embracing differences and creating a more inclusive society. This blog post explores practical steps and strategies to help children grow up to be inclusionists.

Raising inclusionists, one book at a time Read More »

Inclusive communication
Image showing tulips of various colors.

From words to worldview: navigating the Dutch culture through language

When I first moved to the Netherlands from the Philippines 17 years ago, I quickly learned that language is much more than a tool for communication—it’s a gateway to a new way of life. Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, “The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” This quote became my guide as I navigated through the complex yet fascinating process of cultural immersion in a country so different from my own.

From words to worldview: navigating the Dutch culture through language Read More »

Inclusive communication
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