Good Comms

52 weeks of BDEI

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Deepening my understanding of social justice

I love to learn. I make sure to follow training/workshops/courses (and read books) that broaden and widen my understanding of my craft and the topics I work in regularly.????

This time around, I’m embarking on a journey to deepen my understanding of social justice through a course at Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), University of Cambridge.

Deepening my understanding of social justice Read More »

Inclusive communication
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McKinsey reveals stronger business case for DEI

In McKinsey’s latest report on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), “Diversity Matters Even More”, the consultancy firm highlights that the business case for DEI is now stronger than ever. This report, part of a series that started in 2015, demonstrates a clear link between leadership diversity and higher financial returns as well as broader holistic impacts.

McKinsey reveals stronger business case for DEI Read More »

Inclusive communication
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BDEI reports to look out for

If you’re a communication professional working on BDEI programs, staying informed is not just beneficial, it’s essential. Having access to the latest data, insights, and trends can be the difference between staying relevant or falling behind. This guide provides an overview of key reports that should be on your radar and how they can be integrated into an annual content calendar to maximize impact and strategic alignment.

BDEI reports to look out for Read More »

Inclusive communication
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Communicating BDEI to employees: challenges and solutions

Belonging, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (BDEI) initiatives are crucial for creating harmonious and productive workplaces. However, effectively communicating these projects to employees can be challenging. This blog post explores the main challenges and offers practical solutions, drawing from my experience in such projects, internal and change communication and passion for creating positive workplace experiences.

Communicating BDEI to employees: challenges and solutions Read More »

Employee communication, Inclusive communication
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