Good Comms

How inequality happens

It’s been a week of reflection for me as I go through the second week of my social justice course at Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). I’ve been learning about the elements of social justice and the levels of changes we need to look into (not only systemic and more on that on later posts).

What I’m realizing through this learning journey is how difficult it is to explain how inequality happens. As today is the last day of the Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggle against Racism and Racial Discrimination, I thought I’d share one of the videos that resonated with me.

In the video below, Jonathan Mijs describes so well that it is our choices that creates the borders in our lives and so, we can also break them down.

DEI DEIB socialjustice IDERD racism equityequality constructivenarratives storytelling

*This post was originally published on LinkedIn. Connect with me for more posts like this.

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